BYGGE Microschool is an experiential based program that is individualized to our students but we use a combination of curriculums and methodologies such as;

Forest School


Reggio Emilia

Project Based Learning

Is Public Education Not Working?

We wanted to create a flexible alternative to public education that meets children where they are at and builds on their individual strengths.

We have the ability to support special needs student such as Autism, ADHD, etc. Please inquire about your specific student’s needs.

What Makes Us Different

BYGGE is a microschool that operates in groups of up to 10 children, this allows us to personalize each child’s experience. The learning experience is self-directed, and our teachers and guides facilitate through building curiosity. We focus heavily on building autonomy and self-management. Creating self-sufficient and resilient students prepares them for any future.

BYGGE believes in building relationships and community, this is done through team projects and community service.

BYGGE believes in encouraging entrepreneurship and the skills that help it flourish. We encourage students to explore their special interests, find their why, and to not fear failure.

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas Edison

BYGGE uses project-based learning to engage children and let learning unfold at their pace. These include real world projects that foster problem-solving and creative thinking skills.

BYGGE believes that children need physical and outdoor exploration to thrive. But we also believe that the use of technology for core academic is beneficial.

BYGGE focuses on heavily on character development, this includes identifying and aligning with personal values. But it also means building creativity, collaboration, effective communication, problem-solving, critical thinking, and leadership skills.

BYGGE does not teach values as they are personal to one’s self and one’s family, we assist children to identify and align with their personal values. But we do teach about virtues. Some of the main virtues we teach about are;

Acceptance, Contentment, Confidence, Forgiveness, Integrity, Empathy, Resilience, Gratitude, and Adaptability.

Meet our team

  • Amy Thompson, BCBA MA

  • Pending